It's A Sprinkle! I'd never heard the term "baby sprinkle" before in a context that did not culminate in the use of baby wipes. That is, not until I threw this adorable pink and green themed baby shower for a good friend who was pregnant with her second child. My co-hostess and partner in crime, Erin, came across the idea of a baby "sprinkle" (lighter than a "shower") and away we ran with visions of cupcakes, cookies and all things made better with sprinkles. Plus, I'd really been wanting to try my hand at putting together a dessert buffet a la Amy Atlas, and here was the perfect excuse!
The sprinkle was held in my backyard where dozens of green and white paper lanterns dressed up with pink ribbon were hung from the pergola (all scored from the Dollar Tree!). We also strung the obligatory clothes line stocked with sweet green and pink onesies to pull double duty of carrying out our color scheme and acting as our gifts to the guest of honor.
Inside the kitchen was the food buffet and "candy bar." Erin and I worked hard to throw a really beautiful party while still staying within our meager budget of around $200. We found that with equal amounts of leg work (including multiple trips to discount chain stores like the Dollar Tree, The 99 Cent Store and Walmart) and elbow grease (hand made EVERYthing) we were able to get a lot of bang for our buck. Check out the photos below to see how we pulled it off. Enjoy!
My daughter's blocks made a great (and free!) buffet centerpiece.
Erin had seen a similar watermelon baby carriage for fruit salad at another shower she had attended and when she told me about it we both become obsessed with the idea of incorporating it into our menu. Thank God for Youtube where I found a tutorial, which provided clear step by step instructions.
The fruits of our labor
One pad of double sided Martha Stewart 12" x 12" scrap booking paper went a loooong way (only $8.99 at Wallmart)! We used it to coordinate EVERYTHING - invitations, banner, gift tags, cupcake and candy bar wrappers, food labels, cupcake picks, straw flags and these great potato chip cones:
Cranberry chicken salad sandwiches

The dessert bar was so much fun to plan. I had the idea of a milk and cookie bar stuck in my head and began collecting vessels of different shapes and sizes to pull it together. We put out a nice mix of old school favorites like Oreos, ding dongs and chocolate chip cookies and fun pink and green novelties like strawberry Whoppers, marshmallow straws and pink wafer cookies. Hand made tissue poms were strung together and hung from the ceiling to create a happy backdrop and the entire spread was flanked with empty goody bags for guests to fill and take home as party favors. See below for more details:
Yum indeed!
It was so beautiful and special! Thank you for doing something so perfect for me!